Contests -

Contests for 2013:

For the past two years we've only competed in 1 KCBS event each year.  In 2013 we plan on a few more:

1. Winter Burn-Off (backyard) - Grand Champs!
2. Sam's Tour (local) (KCBS) - 1st in Chicken, 1st in Ribs and qualified to move to Sam's regional.
3. Sam's Tour (regional) (KCBS)
4. Grill Games (KCBS)
5. Sam's Club (national... seriously, we're not even budgeting for this one!) (KCBS)
6. Bjorkman's (backyard)
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 Judging Schedule for 2013:

No plans. 
Lamb's Farm - Barn Burner



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